What’s all this about Stage 3 Tax Changes?
Unless you have been hiding somewhere, you will have seen and heard a lot about the changes to the ‘stage 3 tax cuts’ that the Commonwealth recently announced. Two thirds of people support the changes. So, what are they?

Think About Business Coaching
Business coaching is a valuable tool for business owners seeking to enhance their performance, overcome challenges, and achieve sustainable financial and personal success. Here are ten major benefits of effective business coaching.

Here’s One Thing that all Australians Can Agree to Be Proud of
Here in the land downunder, we are blessed with a very stable economy. That stability is no accident. It is the end result of a lot of thought that has been put into developing institutions and processes that really work.

Wishing you a Well-Earned Rest!
2023 is coming to an end and we are taking a break from writing articles for a few weeks. If you are anything like us, you are probably looking forward to a well-earned rest as the year comes to a close.

Student Loans: To Repay or not to Repay?
One of the most common questions we are asked by our younger clients, or the parents of our younger clients, is whether and when to make a voluntary repayment of a Commonwealth Student Loan. Usually, the answer is still no.

How to Save When you are just Getting Started
Different times of life call for different types of financial advice. This week, we start looking at ways to assist young adults in giving themselves the firmest financial footing available.

Talk About Perfect Timing!
Sometimes life’s timing is perfect. We have written before about the best way to use an inheritance. Last Sunday, we came across an almost ideal scenario for when a young couple could receive an inheritance. Here are some of the best ways this couple could respond. It’s food for thought for any younger person.

Making Unknowns Known
People of a certain age will remember former US Secretary of Defence Donald Rumsfeld describing ‘knowns and unknowns’ way back in 2002. Rumsfeld copped some criticism for what seemed to be a mangling of the English language. But in actual fact, his sentences make perfect sense. And they apply to finance just as well as they apply to global politics.

When Mum and Dad are Bankers As Well
Recent estimates claim that the ‘Bank of Mum and Dad’ is Australia’s ninth largest lender. Given the state of house prices, this comes as no surprise. Most parents want to help their kids, especially with something as important as buying a home. But it is important that things be done correctly. There is such a thing as ‘the wrong way to help’ when it comes to one generation trying to help another.